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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Working from Home with Your Dog – Read This First!

Because of the virus, more and more people are starting to work from home. Dogs are a great source of companionship during this time. However, they can also interfere with work-from-home schedules. Balancing working from home with a dog can be difficult, which is why we’re here to help.

In this article, you’ll read our top tips for working at home and taking care of your furry friend at the same time.

Get Your Dog Worn Out FIRST

Your day will go by much smoother if your dog has been worn out before you even sit down to work. Go for a walk first thing in the morning, and your dog will probably take a nap when you start working later on.

Otherwise, your dog may interrupt your morning work period in hopes of scoring some playtime. A worn-out dog is typically a good dog.

Consider Having a Separate Workspace

Sometimes, having your dog in the same area as your workspace just doesn’t work. Even if you’ve already worn them out before you start working, some dogs just have to have our attention. In these cases, your best bet is to have a separate workspace. You don’t necessarily have to shut the door or completely block the entrance to your workspace.

In some cases, you may just be able to remove yourself from the room your dog usually spends the most time in. If your dog usually spends most of the day laying on the couch, you could move into your bedroom or home office to work instead.

Invest in Distracting Toys and Treats

When you’re on that important video call and your dog decides they must play right then, you’ll be happy if you have an enticing bone nearby. We highly recommend having peanut butter-filled bones and chews nearby in case your dog decides they need you at exactly the worst moment. Being able to throw your dog a bone (literally) when you need to can be a key strategy.

At the same time, we also recommend investing in a few puzzle feeders. You may decide to spread out your dog’s food throughout the day to take full advantage of these puzzle feeders. According to the dog experts, “Puzzle feeders will spread out your dog’s meal time, and therefore keep them entertained for as long as possible.” When you’re trying to get work done, this can be a life-changer.

Be Flexible

Even after following all these tips, your pooch may still interrupt you at the worst times. They may decide that they really need to go outside in the middle of an email or knock over your coffee as they attempt to get your attention. The mailman might come to the door in the middle of a conference call and send your dog into a barking frenzy. When you’re working from home with your pooch, there is a lot that can go wrong.

The best way to avoid these problems is to accept them as they come. It might seem counterintuitive. However, if you accept that your dog will probably interrupt you at least once, you won’t be so frustrated when they do. In fact, if they happen to not interrupt you, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Aim high, but remember that anything can happen when you have a pet. It is best not to sweat the small stuff.

The post Working from Home with Your Dog – Read This First! appeared first on Home Business Magazine.


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